Search Conversion Rate

Search conversion rate is a metric that provides insight into how well can people navigate a business website that eventually leads them to perform an action.

Although a proper website requires a lot of work and once it’s done, it would be easier for people to navigate it, especially using the search feature which may direct them to buy what is offered.

For ecommerce shops, especialls the large ones with multiple categories and products, search plays a crucial role in optimizing conversion rate.

To understand further how well your website helps customer conversion, track search conversion rate.

What is Search Conversion Rate?

Definition of Search Conversion Rate

Search conversion rate is a metric that measures the percentage of website visitors who perform a desired action, such as making a purchase, after using the website’s search feature. 

Search conversion rate is a valuable metric for any business to track as it helps them to evaluate the effectiveness of their search functionality and identify opportunities to improve the user experience and increase conversions.

Search Conversion Rate Formula

The formula for calculating the search conversion rate is:

It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions generated by search visitors by the total number of searches performed on the website and multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage.

For example, if a website has 1000 visitors that searched within the website and 100 of them make a purchase, the search conversion rate would be 10% (100/1000 x 100). 

Need help increasing Conversion Rate?
Learn how to increase Conversion Rate with smart decisions based on Data and using Marketing Automation Software.

How to track Search Conversion Rate?

Here are some tools you can use to track search conversion rate:

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free analytics tool that allows you to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. You can set up goals in Google Analytics to track search conversions and use the data to calculate your search conversion rate.

SEMrush: SEMrush is a paid tool that provides competitive analysis and keyword research for SEO and PPC campaigns. It also has a site audit tool that can help you identify issues with your website’s search functionality that may be impacting your search conversion rate.

Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a paid tool that provides backlink analysis, keyword research, and content analysis for SEO campaigns. It also has a site audit tool that can help you identify issues with your website’s search functionality.

Hotjar: Hotjar is a paid tool that provides heat maps and user behavior analysis for websites. You can use Hotjar to track how visitors are using your search functionality and identify areas for improvement.

These are just a few of the many tools available for tracking search conversion rates. The choice of tool will depend on your specific needs, budget, and level of expertise.

How often should you check Search Conversion Rate?

The frequency of checking search conversion rate depends on various factors such as the size of your website, the volume of search sessions, the rate of change in website content and search functionality.

Also you should consider adding Product Recommendations within your search results.

Also a very important aspect is the number of products, size of the catalogue you have. Secondly, the grouping of the products (categories, collections) as well as product search filters play an important role.

You can check your search conversion rate at least once a month to monitor performance and identify any trends or patterns in the data. This should also include the job of an UX Expert.

However, if your website has high search traffic, you may need to check your search conversion rate more frequently, such as weekly or even daily.

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Additionally, It is also important to check your search conversion rate after making any significant changes to your website’s search functionality, content, or marketing campaigns.

This will help you evaluate the impact of those changes on user behavior and conversion rates.

Search Conversion Rate Calculator

Do you want to calculate your search conversion rate? Use our simple calculator below. 

Simple Search Conversion Rate Calculator

Search Conversion Rate:

Important Things about Search Conversion Rate

Here are some important things to keep in mind about search conversion rate:

Identify issues with your website’s search function. If your search conversion rate is low, it could mean that visitors are having difficulty locating what they’re looking for or that your search results are irrelevant.

Improved through optimization. You may find common patterns and improve your search function by studying search requests and results. You could improve your search algorithm.

Valuable metric for e-commerce businesses. Because a high search conversion rate can lead to greater sales and revenue, it is an important indicator to monitor and optimize.

Tracked alongside other metrics. The search conversion rate is only one metric in the context of overall website performance. To gain a holistic view of how visitors engage with your website, it should be tracked alongside metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rate.

Metrics related to Search Conversion Rate

If you are looking forward to optimizing your website, Vibetrace is an email marketing automation platform that offers a range of tools and features to help your business improve its search conversion rate.

Vibetrace can facilitate A/B testing of different website elements, such as calls-to-action (CTAs), landing pages, and product pages.

If you wanna learn more, sign up for our email list today and unlock the full potential of your campaigns!

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