September Updates – Automations & Recipients Lists

Say welcome to powerful Automations.

Automations represent a sequence of actions that happen after a recipient takes a specific action. While you could do some limited automations before (mostly sending emails only), now you have a really powerful system for complex automations.

Types of triggers:

Automations can be triggered be any set of events (even conditioned using detailed attributes)

Also you can stop automations with stop triggers. Those events will stop the subsequent actions for a recipient.

Types of actions:

  • send an email
  • send a SMS message
  • send a Webpush notification
  • add or remove recipient tags
  • update recipient attributes

Recipients Lists

Recipient lists are groups of recipients under a specific topic. Every account has a main list called “Newsletter”. This is the default list used in:

  • campaign segmentation
  • destination for newly collected recipients
  • default reporting regarding list updates

You can always create different lists and subscribe recipients to them for various other use cases. For example create new list for:

  • offline events
  • blackfriday campaigns
  • customers joining from partner websites

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