Find out how Digital Assistant increased Smallable’s conversion rate by 28%


About Smallable

Smallable is a concept store offering creative and individual designer fashion for children and adults alike. Housing 600 brands, Smallable is at the forefront of innovation, carefully curating lesser known designers with substance, style and shared ethics.

The Challenge

Smallable’s user engagement was low, contributing to a high bounce rate onsite. Ve’s challenge was therefore to bring back users by suggesting actionable recommendations. Smallable also specifically wanted to find ways of personalising messages based on brands their users had shown interest in.

The Solution

Keeping visitors onsite and engaged

To establish why users were leaving the site, Ve built and analysed a comprehensive site map for Smallable. Joining this site map with user profiles, Ve tailored specific messages to best serve different types of users.

By introducing a revolutionary approach to the traditional overlay, Smallable was able to offer personalised product recommendations based on their browsing behaviour.

Ve also set up dynamic messaging to offer a more personalised experience and engage abandoning users, boosting both engagement and conversion.

Recovering lost transactions

To encourage users to complete purchases, it was introduced an email remarketing strategy, allowing visitors to save their basket through email and later complete their purchase.

Dynamic subject lines meant users had a more tailored experience, while the design team optimised creatives to ensure the campaign was always up to date, maximising user engagement.

The impact

Combining industry expertise with Digital Assistant and marketing automation, VE was able to re-engage Smallable’s abandoning users and drive site conversions.

219%Engagement rate increase

28%Conversion rate increase

12%Click to conversion rate

“Since switching to new and improved Digital Assistant, we’ve noticed a considerable increase in engagement and conversion rates. The customisable overlays blend in perfectly with our website and fit the Smallable tone – we’re very happy with the results we’ve seen.”

Info & Disclaimer

“The content of this article is based on a previous case study from VE Global, a company that no longer exists. We’ve adopted and enhanced the technology discussed, and the insights remain valuable for understanding the improvements we’ve made in a similar product”

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