What emails to include in welcome series?

You decided to create a welcome series for you new subscribers, right? But not sure what emails should be included in the series?

That’s good, because as we’ve presented in other articles, this is the first contact with someone who can become your long-term customer. And that means revenue for your business.

The first emails you send to your new recipient really matter a lot. And you need to differentiate.

At least you didn’t stop right after the thank you for subscribing. The purpose of a welcome series is to introduce your brand, provide value, and build trust with the recipient.

When planning your next email strategy, you can either decide on creating an individual email to send to your users or a series. Here are some reasons why you should think of email series instead of a single email delivery.

Sometimes, email series work better than individual emails, because they are connected to each other, they have a workflow and have some advantages such as:

  • They increase engagement
  • They provide useful information
  • They increase sales
  • They make a good impression on new subscribers if they are done properly

The most frequent series are the welcome series, which are used to create a good first impression and also to engage new subscribers.

As you have only one chance to make a good impression, don’t treat the welcome campaign superficially.

Why sending an email series is better

There are a few reasons why a series of emails may be more effective than a single email:

  1. More opportunities to engage: A series of emails allows you to have multiple touchpoints with your customers, which can increase the chances of them engaging with your brand. This can be especially useful if you are introducing a new product or service and want to provide more information or resources to help customers understand its value.
  2. Greater impact over time: A welcome series can have a greater impact on your customers over time, as each email builds upon the previous one. This can help you establish a relationship with your customers and provide them with valuable information and resources that can help them feel more connected to your brand.
  3. Ability to segment and customize: A welcome series also allows you to segment your audience and customize the content of each email based on the interests and needs of different groups of customers. This can make the emails more relevant and personalized, which can increase their effectiveness.

Create the Series Workflow

Before your start a welcome campaign series, you should decide and plan how many emails you can include and what content to send.

This step is crucial, because sending way too many emails might annoy your new subscribers. Also, be careful to fix your objectives for each email send.

The workflow requires prior planning and thinking, so the emails will make sense and maximize the conversion rate.

For example, you can send two welcome emails: the first one sets the subscribers’ expectations for the newsletter and the second one gives a discount to new subscribers.

Types of emails that you may want to include in a welcome series:

  1. Welcome email. Hello Friend.
  2. Introduction email. Who are we?
  3. Value Driven email. Something useful.
  4. Survey or feedback email
  5. Special offer or promotional
Welcome Email Series > Type of content

It’s important to remember that a welcome series should be tailored to your business and audience, and may include additional emails depending on your specific goals and objectives.

What’s the goal of a welcome email series?

What is it you really want to tell your customer?

Ask yourself the following question: What impression do you want to convey?

How you want them to remember you?

The simple answer is you want to tell them something that they’re going to remember and that is going to differentiate you from everyone else. But how?

Establish your brand and your story. Figure out what your competitive advantages are. Highlight those in your welcome series.

The goal of your welcome email series is to engage with your audience: Building a relationship with your audience is essential for establishing your brand.

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What content to include in the emails?

Here are some ideas:

  • Offer a giveaway. This is a freebie in exchange for signing up. If you are in a service field, that offer can be something like a white paper or newsletter. Then your first welcome email will be delivering that reward and your second will be following up to see how they liked it.
  • Remind them to connect with you on your social media platforms, and try to integrate these into your brand story.
  • Link or banner to your website is mandatory. Think if you want to put homepage or better a landing page that it’s more dedicated to their interests.
  • Get them to reply to an email by asking a question. Their email carrier will be much less likely to send your following emails to their spam folder.
  • Think about an existing customer. What was their customer or buyer journey? What objections did they have to overcome? What features did they really enjoy?
  • Alert your audience of a sale, or offer a discount to incentivize them to return to your site.
  • Send a piece of content, like a blog post, or a new product, to refresh your audience’s interest.

Email welcome series example:

Here’s an example of a five-step email series for a fictional company selling wellness products.

Email Welcome Series example with content steps

Step 1: Welcome email

Subject line: “Welcome to Wellness Co.”

Dear [Name],

Thank you for joining our email list! We’re excited to share our wellness tips and products with you.

At Wellness Co., we believe that taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. That’s why we offer a range of natural products and resources to help you feel your best.

In the coming weeks, you’ll receive emails from us with tips on how to improve your wellness, updates on new products and promotions, and exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else.

We can’t wait to share our journey towards better health with you!

Best regards, [Your Name]

welcome email design example from Dribble.

Step 2. Introduction email

Subject line: “Who we are and what we stand for”

Thanks again for joining our email list! We wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves and share our story.

Wellness Co. was founded by [Founder Names] in [Year], with a mission to help people live their healthiest and happiest lives. Our products are made from all-natural ingredients and are designed to support your physical and mental well-being.

We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality wellness products, which is why we offer a range of affordable options. Plus, we’re committed to sustainability, and use eco-friendly packaging for all of our products.

We hope you’ll join us on our journey towards better health and happiness!

Best regards, [Your Name]

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Step 3: Value-driven email

Subject line: “5 simple ways to reduce stress”

Dear [Name],

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. But don’t worry – there are plenty of simple things you can do to help reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.

Here are our top five tips for reducing stress:

  1. Take breaks throughout the day to stretch and relax
  2. Practice deep breathing exercises or meditation
  3. Get plenty of sleep
  4. Eat a healthy diet
  5. Exercise regularly

We hope these tips help you feel more relaxed and at ease. If you’re looking for additional support, our stress-relieving products can be found [here].

Best regards, [Your Name]

Step 4: Product or service introduction email

Subject line: “Introducing our new line of essential oils”

Dear [Name],

We’re excited to introduce our new line of essential oils! Our oils are made from the highest quality, all-natural ingredients and are perfect for promoting relaxation and aiding sleep.

Our most popular oils include:

  • Lavender: known for its calming properties and ability to improve sleep
  • Peppermint: helps to clear the mind and boost energy levels
  • Eucalyptus: promotes respiratory health and can help reduce stress

You can find our full range of essential oils [here]. We hope you’ll give them a try and see the benefits for yourself!

Step 5: Survey or feedback email

Subject line: “We want to hear from you!”

Dear [Name],

We value your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on our products and services. If you have a moment, please take our short survey [link to survey] and let us know how we’re doing.

Your input will help us improve and better serve you.

Feedback Email Example Design

Check the results

Always track the results. Any marketing campaign is not a fire and forget thing. Analyzing results and improving must be part of your daily or weekly tasks.

This way you can see if your email series are working out and convert subscribers into costumers or if the emails increase the unsubscribing rate.

If the latter situation happens, you need to figure out what you are doing wrong and quickly make changes based on the insights you gathered.

Maybe you send too many emails in a short time, maybe there are too many emails with promotions, maybe the sending time should be changed, etc.


Welcome series are important. Don’t waste a valuable effort from the subscriber with just a confirmation email (you are now subscribed, yeeey, we give nothing in return).

After user finishes the welcome series you can also do the following

  • add a dedicated tag to recognize that user received the whole series
  • move it to the dedicated list

You can easily to this with Vibetrace Automations.

What examples of good email welcome series have you received?

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