2024 Cart Abandonment Statistics

So after a comeback with cart abandonment stats in 2022, we’re continuing our series for this year, 2024.

Cart abandonment is a fact. This year we are also covering checkout abandonment.

Cart Abandonment Data in 2024

While we said this multiple times and you already know it, cart abandonment is the process of adding products to the cart in an online shop and leaving it behind, closing the website. So tracking your cart abandonment rate is a must do.

There is not much to say about how important is it. It has a huge importance because:

  • you pay for traffic (be it advertising or social media or past SEO efforts)
  • this traffic is not always prepared to buy or it’s not actually looking to buy anything
  • but for the small portion that is ready to but and showed interest by adding products to cart, you should first understand them

Data Source for Cart Abandonment Stats

To calculate our abandonment statistics we’re using information from 120 million monthly sessions across various industries, from all Vibetrace instances across the globe.

Second source of data is made anonymously from our partners data providers which make about 25 million monthly sessions.

Key Statistics on Cart Abandonment

  • Global average cart abandonment rate is 72.5%
  • Highest abandonment is on mobile 75% where tablets have 71% and desktop comes last with 68%
  • Industry-specific abandonment rates.
    • Highest abandonment was in the Jewelry & Accessories sector(82%), with Fashion coming up next (81%)
    • Lowest abandonment was in the office supplies (55%) and also Pet products (57%)

Work in Progress to add the new metrics

Need help recovering more Abandoned Carts?
We can help you recover at least 15% of your abandoned carts using omni-channel campaigns.

Factors Contributing to Cart Abandonment

  • Unexpected costs (shipping, taxes, fees)
  • Complicated checkout process
  • Lack of trust (security concerns, lack of payment options)
  • Comparison shopping (leaving to check prices elsewhere)
  • Technical issues (site speed, crashes)

Read more about factors contributing to cart abandonment.

Impact of Cart Abandonment on Businesses

  • Estimated revenue loss
  • Impact on customer lifetime value
  • Effect on overall conversion rates

Strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment

You need to take action to reduce cart and checkout abandonment and here’s a short list of actions you can take. Also you can find specific reasons why customers abandon the purchase on your business by asking them when you detect hesitation on finishing the purchase.

  • Simplify the checkout process
  • Offer multiple payment options
  • Provide transparent pricing and shipping information
  • Implement trust signals (SSL certificates, security badges)
  • Use retargeting and follow-up emails

For a complete learning on reducing cart abandonment we have a collection of articles on this topic.

Checkout Abandonment Statistics

Checkout abandonment was determined using use of checkout steps from our “checkout” event. Either it’s a one page or multi steps, you can generate events in a flow:

  • add to cart
  • checkout > step view product in cart (optional/skipped in some cases)
  • checkout > login step (optional most of the times, guest checkout active)
  • checkout > step view forms with shipping and billing information (mandatory)
  • checkout > step payment
  • confirmation

Vibetrace is not a dedicated form tracking service, but can be used for such purpose at a higher level, with limited functionality.

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