Grow your digital agency

with White Label CX Platform

Better serve customers with data powered marketing campaigns.
All features under one hood: Data collection, branded emails & URLs, custom domains, email marketing and much more

Complete White Label CX Platform for digital agencies!

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how to setup whitelabel marketing automation as an agency.

White Label marketing automation software for agencies

Created for your digital agency

One software to increase results by delivering full-stack marketing services

Complete Branding

Full marketing automation under your complete Branding

Our deeply discounted rates provide an opportunity for agencies to grow and have access to latest software development for marketing automation.


Personalization Email, website, mobile and push channels all use our AI algorithms.

White label email software looks like you built it: use your own domain and logos everywhere.

Focus On Clients not Software

We handle deliverability & software development, you focus on your clients’ success

Make part of the development by requesting features you want to have.

Scenarios & Templates

Ready-made scenarios and templates for your agency clients

Generate extra revenue from extra services: strategy, design, content.

Real-Time Reports

Advanced real-time reports of users, activity, campaigns results, and ecommerce catalog

Get closer to your customers with our reports built-in or sent over email.

Special Pricing

You have access to a special transparent pricing based on usage.

Your agency dashboard gives you access to set custom pricing levels based on traffic, commission from assisted sales or fixed.


White Label Marketing Automation Pricing

email costs are as low as possible: $200 for 1Million emails, using Sparkpost or bring your own ESP

your dedicated instance for all your customers and pay even less (worth for larger agencies)

starts at 4$ for 1000 active users

fair pricing, usage based and not on list size

discounts for using only some features

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Top reasons to choose our Marketing Automation as white-label

Volume Discounts with Unlimited Accounts – Each client has it’s own account, and you get a super agency account

White Label account Setup – This includes modules, extensions for the most common CMS, with no branding

Custom Branding – Add you own branding to your clients

Very high volumes? – We also offer dedicated hardware/instance, managed by us

Vanity URL’s – Everything will run under your domain. Including help section, public URL’s

White Label custom services – we will always be there as a white label service provider if you need us

Invoicing and online payments – Braintree and Paypal, including pricing model can be configured

Customisation, new added features and free development come to your as well.

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Know everything about your clients’ website visitors

Track their behavior: viewed pages, clicked CTA, traffic sources, field filling events

Identify users to build segments

Start surveys or short polls

Launch personalized campaigns based on visitor’s needs

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Increase conversion rate with the right offers at the right time

Launch Ads to bring traffic to your clients’ websites

Convert traffic into leads with behavioural forms, pop-ups, web-push notifications, and landing pages

Nurture prospects with personalized follow-ups and remarketing email campaigns based on behavior and profiling

Use product recommendations software to improve your agency marketing campaigns and abandoned carts

Launch A/B testing to find out the best offer

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Track & visualize your excellence to clients with white label reporting tool

Analyze customers’ profiles and create segments by customer value, lifecycle activity, or engagement

Check your agency clients’ website activity, events, products, categories, and brands performance

Track email marketing subscribe/unsubscribe rate, hard-bounce, spam, Open Rate, CTR

Improve marketing campaigns by analyzing its conversion rate, sales

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Provide a fully-fledged marketing automation service with your own white label software

Unlimited Accounts

Unlimited accounts for your agency, unlimited everything for your customers with an opportunity to manage all from one place

Modules and Extensions

Modules and extensions for the most common CMS, with no branding

Standard Events Integration

Standard Events Integration with most popular e-Commerce platforms like PrestaShop, WooCommerce, but also support custom events tracking

Taking care of financials

Automate payments and invoicing using Braintree, PayPal, Also supporting custom pricing models.

Your Brand Domain

Everything will run under your BRAND domain including help section, public URL’s

You Focus on Your Success

We handle deliverability, software development, hardware and all the hard stuff. You focus on your clients’ success.

Stop switching between marketing services.

Our white label platform provides all necessary tools for your digital agency

Web-push notifications

Email marketing automation

Personalized pop-ups and emails

Feedback & Reviews

Landing pages


Product recom-mendations

Real-time analytics

Easy integration with most common ecommerce platforms:

White label marketing automation platform for agencies – Frequently asked questions

Discover the Most Common Questions.

A white label is a fully supported product or service that’s made by one platform but sold by another company. White label solutions are perfect for everything from clothes to marketing.

Choosing the best white label marketing tool for your agency depends on a few factors:

  • The quality of the offered features itself
  • Customization flexibility
  • Team that develops
  • Tool usability
  • Scalability for larger clients

If we were an agency (like we were before) we would choose a tool that solves our needs and then look at the team behind it. That’s how we can be sure we’ll have a good partnership.

White label provides businesses with great opportunities to:

  • Save costs on software development.
  • Save resources on doing repetitive tasks.
  • Grow the number of services your agency provides.
  • Focus on customers and services, not on products and technology

Yes, you’ll have an agency dashboard where you can set pricing levels based on:

  • usage (monthly active visitors)
  • commission from generated assisted sales
  • custom packages
  • add extra used emails.

Based on the selected pricing for a customer you will get invoices generated automatically each month.

Also our system is integrated with Braintree & Paypal payments, so you can charge your customers automatically and receive money in your bank account.

Yes, we do. That depends on what you need for your agency and also your knowledge on marketing automation systems. Usually it’s pay per hour but depends on what services are you thinking about.

It is a kind of tool that marketing services provide and let their clients put their brand and logo on the end product and present it as their own. For example, VibeTrace provides automation tools for agencies, allowing them to present every marketing campaign and do reports to the client under your agency brand.

Email marketing software can be white labeled like any other digital software. You have your own email marketing solution with your own brands and public URLs that you can resell to your customers. Vibetrace email marketing software allows you to use multiple ESP instead of providing a single one.

It is a tool that allows sending email campaigns under your company name, domain, and removing labelling from reports. Thus, you don’t have to build your own software solutions to provide email marketing services.

No. Everything is white-labelled and uses the branding of your agency: dashboard, automated emails that are sent, custom URL.

Also you can always add your own external providers (email, sms) and use those automatically.

Pricing is simple and it’s based on active monthly users for each account. Then if you choose to use our own email provider you pay for emails sent. This way it’s very transparent and you always know how much it will cost you to bring a new client.

We do offer a roadmap on the new features and improvements we are developing although is not public. As a white label agency you will get access to it and you can propose new features or developments. Most of the times, if such features come handy to our customers, we develop them for free.

Learn how Vibetrace white label platform can boost your agency growth