Complete Services + Platform costs

We power your entire CX strategy and bring more money! Platform & email costs included, no limit in list size.


Up to 50.000 subscribers. Unlimited activity

$490 / month

  • Custom Email Design included
  • Max 10 running automations
  • Minimum 6 months contract
  • Platform costs included
  • Free 500k emails


Up to 200.000 subscribers. Unlimited activity

$990 / month

  • Current Situation Analysis & Free Transfer
  • Advanced User Segmentation
  • Custom Email Design Included
  • Minimum 6 months contract
  • Platform costs included
  • Free 1 million emails


1.000.000 subscribers. Unlimited activity

Starting at $1700

  • All from Medium
  • Custom Integrations & development
  • Custom Reporting
  • Custom User & Daeta Segmentation
  • Dedicated systems, SLA
  • Free emails included.

Dedicated Services in Switzerland

We are now open to providing services to Swiss businesses using a local presence in Switzerland. Learn more what can we do for your business.

Ongoing Marketing Management

We take care of your digital marketing. Our on-going effort will make sure your marketing dollars yield the greatest results.

Regardless you are ecommerce business, you need lead nurturing or you need to match customers across various sources, we can provide services to match your business needs.

This Program Includes:

  • Effective customer engagement techniques
  • Loyalty program design for repeat purchases
  • Strategies to win back old customers
  • Visitors to customer conversion strategy
  • Upselling and cross-selling techniques
  • Solutions to reduce abandoned cart rates
  • Increasing review to build trust
Services for Digital Marketing Management
Monthly Campaign Strategy & Calendar
Automation Optimizations
Unique Email Template Coding
Data Reporting (Ecommerce or Lead Based)
Ongoing A/B testing
Cross-channel Campaigns
Advanced Customer Segmentation

Marketing Automation Setup

We do an analysis of your current marketing strategy to know what is doing well and what’s not doing well. 

You will get a plan that we both agree and implement the setup on your website. This includes technical implementation (for data tracking) as well as marketing campaigns planning.

It’s like using a recipe for success, where we hand it over to your marketing employees.

Services for Marketing Automation Setup
Analysis of current situation
Planing for Marketing Automation (cross-channel)
Technical Support for Implementation
Data Reporting (Ecommerce or Lead Based)
Ongoing A/B testing
Advanced Customer Segmentation

Customer Data Platform

Your business runs on data. Data that you don’t even know might have a big effect on your revenue or profits.

Most of the times it’s related to customer but the integration of such customer data platform to the entire data ecosystem is crucial.

We do build and manage dedicated customer data platform that’s very flexible and integrate it with existing software or tools.

We take care of flows, security, applicable laws, company policies through a custom and ongoing collaboration.

Services for Customer Data Platform
Analysis of current data situation
Discovery of data flows throughout entire business
Discovery for required data reporting & integrations
Company policy (GDPR, security, removal) policies
Proposal of new data architecture
Integration of CDP with existing software
Ongoing Implementation & monitoring
On-premise / Cloud based setup and configuration

Discover how our white label marketing services can increase your revenues.

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Must-have Features to grow your business

Email Marketing

Create better emails, including personalization and product recommendations. All delivered to Inbox using Smart Deliverability.

Marketing Automation

Create 360 degrees customer profiles and give unique experiences to every visitor. Omni-channel messages are perfectly timed and targeted for increased conversions.

SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing is growing, so your business should use it. Drive more dollars to your pockets using personalized text-message automations.

Real-Time Data

Not only we collect data in real-time automatically, but this is used in your marketing efforts. We combine information from marketing campaigns, website, ecommerce catalogue and user attributes.

Multi Variate Testing

Every campaign is built with A/B test in mind. So you can start testing anything from email subject lines, email service provider up to smart popups, product recommendations algorithms or visuals.

Data Integrations

Integrate easily with any ecommerce platform to collect data for our customer database. Also import custom files or export generated data to other software for an integrated data architecture.

Dynamic Segments

We not only collect data from anywhere. We analyze, clear, enhance and transform it in order to have real-time dynamic segments available at any moment.

Customer Database

You get built-in Customer Data Platform with all needed information: from behaviour, purchases, site

Ecommerce Analytics

Want to have best products or most added to cart added to your emails? Or what are people searching for on your website? Easy to find out and use in marketing.

Polls & Surveys

Collect zero-party data with our polls and surveys feature. Use answers to segment users and retarget or market to them again.

Intelligent Popups

Capture more emails to increase lists, decrease abandoned carts, or guide users to specific actions with intelligent triggered popups and onsite messages.

Product Recommendations

Smart Product Recommendations drive more user engagement and finally more sales and profits. Embed Intelligent Algorithms into emails, website or any marketing campaign.

Landing Pages

Dedicated landing pages to support marketing in attracting more leads, collect email subscribers

Facebook Ads

Build dynamic audiences, create product campaigns and dynamic ad-sets for attracting new traffic or retargeting clients about to leave your business.

Bring your own Provider

Don’t rely on a single ESP. Reuse existing email/SMS providers, if you already have or A/B test deliverability with any service providing APIs.

White Label Marketing Automation Services FAQs

Discover the Most Common Questions

White Label software is software created by a third party that is promoted and sold under another company brand.

The original developer is the one doing all development, maintenance, improvements, upgrades, while the company brand is doing support and taking care of sales and support.

The main benefit of using white label marketing automation services is that they can help your company save time and money while increasing your reach and ROI.

They can also help you create and manage marketing campaigns quickly and efficiently, while providing real-time insights into your campaigns’ performance. This is valid for email marketing, marketing automation or any other type of campaigns.

Most of our customers using our white label marketing automation services are digital agencies.

As a digital agency you take care of finding customers and managing them, while we do the hard work with implementation and maybe strategy as well.

Our software and services are used by companies of all sizes and in all industries, including ecommerce, software, healthcare, banking, finance, and more.

When talking about white label services, similar to software, we need to remember that services are delivered by a third party in the name of a specific company.

Those services can be consultancy, development, design, email marketing and marketing automation as well.

Our white label services are in the range of digital industry and data. We have years of experience with the following:

  • consulting customers on building data platforms
  • consulting with marketing automation strategies
  • implementing data platforms, customer databases
  • implementing marketing automation strategies
  • email marketing (flows, newsletters, design)
  • webpush and sms marketing
  • data integrations related to customer information

You need to contact us to understand how we can help. First introductory call is obviously free and it can tell you how we can help.