5 Segments and nothing else. Nicolas Moulin

Starting from a Linkedin Post by Nicolas Moulin, here’s our detailed information on how to create those amazing 5 segments. Original post can be found here.

Customer segmentation is one of the most effective ways for increasing results from your marketing efforts.

New Sign-ups Non-Buyers

These users will be receiving the Welcome flow, but that’s also a great segment to communicate with through educational content, products, as long as the campaigns content don’t overlap the welcome flow content. The objective is obviously to trigger the first order.

Recent subscribers who are not yet customers

Last X days First-Time Buyers

    This segment of first time buyers that did not yet repeat is key to increase second order rate. The window will depend on the product, but the objective is to trigger a second order.

    Two times buyers with an order in last X days

      This segment of people who did repeat recently is very important to nurture, as these are people who have been satisfied with the first product and did repeat. You would need to understand what they bought (same product, complementary) and if you have a subscription plan, get them on it.

      Two times buyers with an order in the last 7 days. Create segment in Vibetrace

      One-time buyers but haven’t purchased since X days.

        These are users who did buy but haven’t repeated. They aren’t necessarily unhappy with your product, but might need an extra push to come back (not only via discount but you can reintroduce the benefits, a bundle).

        One time buyers who haven’t purchased in the last 30 days

        Repeating buyers but haven’t purchased since X days.

          This is a more tricky but more important segment, as they did repeat, but got lost along the way. Important to understand their purchase journey and get them back through exclusive offer, product.

          Purchased at least 2 times but not within the last 60 days.

          There are obviously many more segments, but these would be the 5 I would focus on if I could only have 5, to increase first conversion and more importantly repetition.

          Do you need help building Audiences and Segments?
          Our Customer Data Platform allows you do better targeting your visitors and customers using dynamic and statics groups. Make use of Machine Learning and AI segmentation in order to target better your Marketing Campaigns.

          Nicolas Moulin

          Nicolas is a Lifecycle Marketing for Beauty & Fashion Brands – Partner at Seven to One. You can contact him especially if you’re in those 2 industries, but also for any Lifecycle Marketing needs.

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