Како се одселити од Клавија

Guide: Steps to Migrate Off Klaviyo

If you’re planning to migrate away from Klaviyo, whether for SMS, email, or both, this guide will help you through the necessary steps.

If you’re interested, have a look on those topics:

Partial Migration (SMS or Email Only)

If you plan to cancel your SMS plan but continue using Klaviyo for email, follow only the steps in the SMS section. For a complete migration from Klaviyo (both SMS and email), follow all the steps outlined below.

Steps to Migrate Off Klaviyo

1. Turn Off or Update Your Flows

If you are keeping either SMS or email on Klaviyo, you need to update your flows to remove the messages related to the service you are discontinuing. Either delete these messages or set them to draft. For a full migration, set all your flows to draft mode to retain data, as deleted flows cannot be recovered.

To set a flow to draft:

  1. Go to the flow.
  2. Click on Manage Flow > Update All Action Statuses to set to Draft.
Тражите Вхите Лабел ЦКС платформу?
Погледајте предности наше Вхите Лабел платформе за корисничко искуство и како она може помоћи вашем пословању. Заснован на облаку или локално, са снажном вишеканалном аутоматизацијом и функцијама увида у податке.

2. Cancel Your Scheduled Campaigns

To cancel scheduled campaigns:

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Filter by Scheduled status.
  3. Delete each scheduled campaign individually.

3. Turn Off or Update Your Signup Forms

For partial migration, edit your signup forms to stop collecting data for the service you are discontinuing. If discontinuing both, set forms to draft or delete them, noting that deleting will erase all associated data.

4. Export Your Contacts

To export your lists and segments:

  1. Go to Audience > Lists & Segments.
  2. Click on the list or segment.
  3. Select Manage List > Export List to CSV.
  4. Access exports via Settings > Other > Downloads.

Types of Contacts to Export:

  • SMS Subscribers: Export SMS consent timestamp and phone numbers.
  • Email List: Consolidate all email contacts.
  • Email Suppression List: Navigate to Audience > Profiles, then Suppressed Profiles, and export the list.
  • Other Segments: Export segments like engaged or VIP lists.

5. Port or Release Your SMS Number

Porting Your Number:

  • Contact your new SMS provider to initiate the porting request.
  • Reach out to Klaviyo support for any required information.

Releasing Your Number:

  1. Go to Settings > SMS.
  2. Click the three-dot menu.
  3. Select Release Number.

6. Audit Your Custom SMS Keywords

Review and remove any custom SMS keywords from your website, email banners, or advertisements.

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Останите повезани са оним што је заиста важно за оптимизацију ваших дигиталних прихода.

Кликом на дугме прихватате наше Услови коришћења. Такође ћете морати да потврдите своју адресу е-поште.

7. Export Your Email Templates

To export email templates:

  1. Navigate to Content > Templates.
  2. Find the desired template.
  3. Click the additional options menu and select Export.

8. Remove or Update Hosted Pages

For partial migration, update custom hosted pages to reflect the change. For full migration, remove links to these pages from your site.

9. Remove Code Snippets

If discontinuing both services, remove Klaviyo’s web tracking snippets (Active on Site and Viewed Product tracking) to prevent slowing down your site.

10. Export Your Analytics

Export analytics data via the Analytics and Flows tabs to retain custom reports and flow analytics.

11. Disable Your Integrations

For full migration, remove your ecommerce platform integration before canceling your account to stop data syncing and automatically remove related JavaScript.

To disable integrations:

  1. Go to the Integrations section.
  2. Find your ecommerce platform under Enabled Integrations.
  3. Click View Settings > Remove.
  4. Repeat for other integrations.
Недостаје вам корисничко искуство?
Желите да пружите невероватно корисничко искуство? Можемо вам помоћи са нашом платформом за читав пут купца. Ангажовање на више канала на наменској Платформи података о клијентима.

12. Cancel Your Account

After completing all steps, proceed to cancel your Klaviyo account.

This guide ensures a smooth transition from Klaviyo, securing your data and maintaining continuity with your new provider.

Reasons to migrate away from Klaviyo

Businesses can migrate from a solution to another when they think the new alternative is offering a better result. For Klaviyo it is known to become too expensive to large businesses. Here’s a link to recent 2024 Klaviyo pricing.

Other than pricing can be related to features for enterprise businesses. Klaviyo does not provide:

  • on premise installation or dedicated cloud installation
  • GDPR compliance, for example 1-1 communication archive.

Benefits from switching from Klaviyo

Када switching from Klaviyo to Vibetrace you can a full Customer Experience platform, working ideally with online retailers and financial services.
This includes web personalization, product recommendations and advanced AI powered data insights.

If you are an agency, you might be looking for a platform that gives you more control over your data as well as white label branding. This allows agencies hook customers, instead of loosing them in front of other agencies.

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