Вхите Лабел Алтернатива Сендинблуе Брево за е-трговину


If you’re looking for an alternative to Brevo’s white label, you’ve come to the right place.

Brevo presents itself as “The most approachable CRM to cultivate lasting customer relationships across Email, SMS, Chat and more”.

Brevo gives you a wide reach, a close connection with your customers, and the ability to create marketing campaigns across multiple channels, resulting in a long-term customer relationship with you.

Vibetrace provides you with all of the tools you need for marketing automation.

This article will discuss Vibetrace as a white-label alternative to Brevo.

Overview of the Sendinblue Brevo:

As of 2024, time of writing this article, we haven’t seen Brevo offering a white label platform

Brevo, formerly known as SendinBlue, is a marketing automation tool that focuses on customer relationship management (CRM) and assists businesses in building relationships with their customers across multiple channels.

Personalize your email with their advanced segmentation tool or select a free email template from their library and reach out to your customers via various channels such as email, SMS, and WhatsApp. With their excellent automation, users will find it easier to retain customers by sending timely emails or messages.

Треба вам помоћ у вези са маркетингом путем е-поште?
Нудимо управљане услуге од стратегије, до имплементације и праћења. Обично добијате повећање резултата од 15-251ТП3Т. Да видимо како вам можемо помоћи!

They offer live chat and chatbots for customer support, delighting customers with real-time assistance. With their Universal Inbox, you can manage all of your email, SMS, WhatsApp, and live chat conversations in one place, making it easier to connect with your customers.

Brevo Features:

Brevo organizes is features on Communication, Engagement and Management. You can do the normal things like:

  • marketing automation (email / SMS, whatsapp)
  • live chat and chatbot
  • landing pages and sign-up forms

It’s more oriented to sales, compared to a marketing automation and engagement platform, built for retail.

Challenges with Sendinblue Brevo for Ecommerce

Without a doubt, Brevo is a good marketing automation tool; given its features, many users have praised and used it. However, their users face some challenges in using their software, just like any other software.

Some of the areas or challenges they need to improve are:

Почетне странице: Landing pages are only available on the business plan and higher; you must pay extra if you want to have landing pages on other plans.

Phone Support: Phone support, like landing pages, is only available with the business plan.

Тражите Вхите Лабел маркетиншко решење?
Погледајте предности наше Вхите Лабел платформе за аутоматизацију маркетинга и како она може помоћи вашем пословању!

Sendinblue Brevo White Label Alternative

Bravo is one of the best marketing automation tools available. They have all of the features you need to help you grow your business through email marketing.

Apart from its numerous features, Brevo is simple to use and navigate. Making them more user-friendly and providing a more seamless experience for its users.

It is simple to send marketing campaigns, trigger transactional emails, track customer engagement, and create a personalized customer journey with Brevo.

Vibetrace now provides a white-label marketing solution for your company. They have provided excellent services for many years, making them excellent marketing automation software. They will guide you throughout your journey to make it simple for you.

Поређење карактеристика беле етикете

Omnisend and VibeTrace both offer all the necessary tools for white-label marketing. Let’s see how these two differ from each other and would suit you the best.

Тражите Вхите Лабел маркетиншко решење?
Погледајте предности наше Вхите Лабел платформе за аутоматизацију маркетинга и како она може помоћи вашем пословању!

Email List Buiding

Brevo and Vibetrace both have excellent features that will aid your email marketing campaign and help you build your email list. They provide ready-made email templates as well as the ability to create your own using their drag-and-drop editor, as well as pop-ups and sign-up forms.

Landing pages have been shown to be more effective at obtaining email addresses, and both Brevo and Vibetrace have this feature. Both allow you to personalize your landing page, promote your brand by including recommendations on the page, and easily collect your customers’ email addresses.

Vibetrace’s survey and poll feature allows you to create instant landing forms. As a result of the responses in the survey form, you can improve the areas that need improvement while also easily collecting email addresses.


Segmentation is critical to the success of your e-commerce business. Both Brevo and Vibetrace provide a segmentation tool to assist you in creating personalized emails for your customers, increasing engagement and ROI.

Brevo’s segmentation enables you to segment your customers based on personal information such as age, gender, and location, as well as shopping behavior and purchase history. They also have a pre-built segment template for email and SMS to assist you, as well as a segment builder to generate suggestions automatically.

Вибетраце укључује уграђене segmentation models for creating audiences and segmenting customers. The Basic Segmentation model is ideal for beginners because it segments customers based on personal information such as age, gender, location, and preference and behavior data such as interest, purchase history, carts, and wishlists.

Напредни модел сегментације, који је идеалан за предузећа е-трговине, пружа увид у то како ваши клијенти остварују интеракцију са вашом кампањом кроз РФМ анализу, моделирање одлива/задржавања и анализу корпе за кампање фокусиране на ласер.

Потребна вам је помоћ са сегментацијом купаца?
На основу моћног ЦДП-а, моћи ћете да сегментирате купце на основу РФМ статуса, ЦЛВ-а или многих других елемената за успешне маркетиншке сегменте.

Са динамичком сегментацијом Вибетраце-а, моћи ћете да циљате своје клијенте одговарајућом кампањом у реалном времену на основу њиховог сегмента.

Sendinblue Brevo Pricing and Plans

Brevo has 4 types of plans: Free, Starter, Business, and BrevoPlus. Their price varies according to your plan. Brevo also lets you customize your plan.

  1. бесплатно: This plan is free and ideal for businesses that want to try Brevo. Some features include customizable email templates, a drag-and-drop editor, transactional emails, and SMS and WhatsApp campaigns.
  2. Starter: This plan starts at $25 per month and is ideal for growing businesses. Features include everything in Free, plus basic reporting and analytics, email support, no daily sending limit, and 20k emails monthly.
  3. Business: This plan starts at $65 per month and is ideal for marketing managers and e-commerce pros. This plan includes every feature in Starter plus marketing automation, A/B testing, advanced statistics, multi-user access, send time optimization, and phone support.
  4. BrevoPlus: This plan is custom-priced and ideal for large organizations. Every feature in Business is included here, plus more additional features.

If you think the given plans do not suit you, Brevo allows you to customize your plan.

Are you using Brevo? Let us know what you like and don’t like about Brevo.

Одрицање од одговорности

Одрицање одговорности: Сви заштитни знакови трећих страна (укључујући логотипе и иконе) који се помињу на овој страници остају власништво њихових власника. Осим ако није изричито идентификовано као такво, Вибетраце-ова употреба заштитних знакова трећих страна не указује на било какав однос, спонзорство или подршку између Вибетраце-а и власника ових жигова. Свако позивање Вибетраце-а на жигове трећих лица је да идентификује одговарајућу трећу страну

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